Available Positions

Dream with your section of choice based on your knowledge,
passion, and skills!

Art &

Express Ad Astra’s collective vision through illustrating, creating motion graphics, and plotting the layout for our online and print publications. Dream with the team that re-envisions the world through art.


Illustrates visual content for Ad Astra’s online and print publications.

Motion and Graphic Artists
Creates motion graphic projects for Ad Astra’s online content.

Layout and Graphic Designers
Layouts and edits content for both online and print publications.


  • Excellence in the fundamentals of design
    and color theory

  • Proficiency in Adobe InDesign, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, and
    Adobe Illustrator

  • Versatility in art style and innovation in content creation

  • Compilation of works in digital art


Echo the voice of Benildeans by creating and producing relevant content through copywriting, news writing, and feature writing. Dream with the team where words are brought to life.


Conceptualizes and write copies for Ad Astra’s online publication.

News and Events Correspondents
Covers news and events in and outside Benilde, both local and national.

Feature Writers
Writes literary and creative content featuring Benildean identities and events.


  • Excellent oral and written communication skills

  • Can work well both independently and in a collaborative working environment

  • Proficient in the technicalities of writing and content creation


Put your best foot forward in attending to Ad Astra’s subscribers. Dream with the team that brings lost wanderers back on track.

Internal Staff

Manages inventories and files related to Ad Astra’s yearbook subscribers.

External Staff
Aids the yearbook subscribers with their concerns and inquiries sent through Facebook and email.


  • Organized, detail-oriented, patient,
    and can work under minimal supervision

  • Skilled in both Google Workspace
    and Microsoft Office

  • Excellent communication skills


Take charge of Ad Astra’s administrative functions. Dream with the team that establishes connections across realms.

Managing Staff

Manages the logistics and operations of events and projects of the organization.


  • Well-acquainted with Benilde
    offices and policies

  • Skilled in both Google Workspace
    and Microsoft Office

  • Excellent communication skills


Follow the data and chase the trends that will bring us closer to the Benildean community.
Dream with the team that plans the organization’s online route.

Social Media Managers

Manages Ad Astra’s social media platforms and constructs the marketing plan for Ad Astra’s online and print publications.

Partnership Managers
Handle's Ad Astra’s media partnerships.

Qualifications of Social Media Managers

  • Aware of different social media
    policies and algorithms

  • Knowledgeable in data analytics
    and different marketing tactics

  • Well-versed in the process of
    content distribution in both print
    and online
Qualifications of Partnerships Managers

  • Skilled in Google Workspace

  • Well-acquainted in researching and
    scouting potential partners

  • Knowledgeable in establishing
    strategic partnerships

  • Excellent oral and written
    communication skills


Capture Benildean memories that we will bring with us on a journey of a lifetime. Dream with the team that seizes every surreal moment.


Shoots photo content for Ad Astra’s print and digital publications.

Photo Manipulators

Photo manipulates digital materials for Ad Astra’s photo content.


Colors digital material materials for Ad Astra’s photo content.


  • Knowledge of the fundamentals
    of photography, photo manipulation,
    and coloring.

  • Well-versed in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom.

  • Excellent communication skills

  • Compilation of works in photography


Collect moments we share with our fellow Benildeans. Dream with the team that turns memories into lifelong memories.

Camera Operators

Shoots video content for Ad Astra’s digital publications.

Offline Editors

Cuts, arranges, and edits Ad Astra’s video content.

Online Editors

Color corrects, color grades, and scores Ad Astra’s video content.


  • Knowledge of the fundamentals of
    videography, and offline and online editing

  • Well-versed in Adobe Premiere Pro

  • Excellent communication skills

  • Compilation of works in videography

Web Development

Develop programs that will bring Ad Astra’s services to its subscribers. Dream with the team that creates portals to different realms.

Web Designers

Responsible for creating the design and layout of the website and web pages.

Web Developers

Develops and manages subscribers database and improves subscription process and quality.


  • Knowledgeable in HTML, CSS,
    PHP, SQL, and Javascript

  • Well-acquainted with BootStrap technology

  • Well-versed in Figma

  • Excellent communication skills